The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) manages funding for education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering. This includes…
The VET Charter Holders map aims to facilitate networking between VET organisations that want to develop projects that involve VET…
The video promotes the international dimension of Erasmus+ through real life examples and shows how international cooperation is helping people…
Video features a former Erasmus+ trainee who currently works as digital content manager. She describes her experience in Copenhagen, Denmark…
The Learning Agreement sets out the programme of the studies or the traineeship to be followed abroad and must be…
The general conditions are the provisions which are common to all actions and sectors. Each grant agreement is compiled using…
Funding pledge for post-Brexit mobilities. Link:
An overview of eligibility for mobilities along with the benefits gained from international experiences. Link:
Link to the panel of the Third European Education Summit: Digital Education Transformation, devoted to Erasmus+ programme Link:
Website for Erasmus+ program students. Mission of the website – enrichment of society through international students. Students are helping students….