Where to find partners for Erasmus+. Link: https://erasmus-plius.lt/kaip-ir-kur-susirasti-partneriu/
Pandemic year: What lessons have Erasmus + coordinators and participants learned? Link: https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/svietimas/metai-su-pandemija-kokias-pamokas-ismoko-programos-erasmus-koordinatoriai-ir-dalyviai-233-1426516
National Agency Area of competence: Education and vocational training. Link: https://inapp.org/it/amministrazione-trasparente/sovvenzioni-contributi-sussidi-vantaggi-economici/criteri-e-modalit%C3%A0/agenzia-nazionale-erasmus
National Agency Area of competence: school education, higher education, adult education. Link: https://www.indire.it/erasmus/
The official site of the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training. Link: https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en
The official site of Erasmus+ where you can find all useful information on the programme. Link: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node_en
A short video outlining the VOCOL project and its core aims of developing cooperative learning triangles between Learners, Employers and…
The video provides information on how to navigate, search and find useful information in a wealth of data collected. Link:…
18 Mar: Practical guide on strategic internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
The aim of this guide is to assist in the strategic planning of international activities in VET and to help…
The document provides information on: the priorities of the programme, the actions supported, the funding available for different actions, detailed…