Name | FAI |
User info
Organization name | FAI |
Organization description | The ACLI International Federation was created in 1996 to network the whole ACLI family in Europe and worldwide. FAI helps to promote the aims of ACLI internationally. FAI works for the development of associations and civil society, for the development of democracy, for the promotion and protection of human rights and citizenship, for a commitment to solidarity and international cooperation.The aims of the FAI are : to organise the collaboration and coordinate the action of its member associations and to defend and represent their interests in international bodies; to develop action to protect and promote the rights of social, civil and political citizenship in a supranational strategy to promote the inclusion of member associations’ services in an internationalisation strategy; to seek funding from national and international institutions; disseminating information also through multilingual publications; promoting exchanges and projects for training in democracy and the development of civil societies to promote debates on policies for the reception, protection and social integration of immigrants of all origins to promote solidarity, development cooperation and inter-religious dialogue initiatives |
Country | Italy |
Type | Other |