Name | Pearse College |
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Organization name | Pearse College |
Organization description | Pearse College is based in Dublin 12 in an area of social disadvantage. We offer courses in Photography, Sciences, Business, Horticulture, Childcare, IT, Sport, the Environment and the Leaving Certificate. We hope as a college by increasing more opportunities in theVET sector and increasing our international involvement both at a staff and learner level we willprovide more opportunities for our students and increase their cultural awareness and in turnenhance their future employment and prospects and education progression.In an article in the Irish Times (14th January 2019) Employers stated that they rate furthereducation graduates as highly as college graduates. It is noted in this report that students in FE areactually better prepared in the areas of entrepreneurial skills, commercial awareness andteamworking. It is intended by continuing to foster these skills as well as enhance opportunities forour learners by engaging in opportunities such as Erasmus+ their employment and educationprospects are hugely enhanced. In addition, it helps to raise the status and profile of FurtherEducation in Ireland. Pearse College wishes to increase its international focus. Pearse College is located in an area ofhuge cultural diversity. The college wishes by getting involved in the Erasmus+ programme both at astaff and learner mobility level to encourage our students to understand different nationalities andtheir cultures further and to build on our college’s ethos of equality and diversity. The college demographic has changed in recent years and now over 20% of our studentsare international students and adds to the culture of inclusiveness and tolerance.We believe in addition many of our students who are from a disadvantaged background will gainhugely both personally and ultimately professionally from a work placement abroad, opening theireyes and giving them a ‘European perspective’ as to how people work and live in a different country.From a management point of view, it is felt that an international dimension for the college may helpattract more students and furthermore give an opportunity to staff to share best practice and gainprofessional development from fellow practitioners in their field. As a college we wish to engage more with local industry and toconsider more collaborative work based learning therefore strengthening cooperation betweeneducation and business. It is felt that by staff going on mobilities and shadowing fellow professionals best practice and ideas can beshared. This ensures our college develops and encourages staff to up-skill. It is believedinternational links for students to complete their work placement abroad may attract more applicantsand above all be trans-formative for many of disadvantaged learners increasing both their personaland professional development and future employment prospects and choices. We hope that studentsnot only gain technical and professional skills but also gain confidence and improve their soft skillssuch as communication, problem solving and team-working. We believe the opportunity will providevaluable life experience and broaden our students’ horizons and perspective. In addition we believeEuropean mobilities will increase cultural awareness and hopefully an interest in language learning.Staff training assignments abroad will be an excellent way to exchange ideas, learn about newtechnologies, new coaching techniques for our sport tutors, enterprising and traineeship ideas for ourbusiness tutors etc.We hope to raise thequality and attractiveness of Further Education in the Dublin 12 area and encourage bettercooperation between social partners, VET providers, learners, companies, teachers andtrainers, and other stakeholders. The college is also conscious of the importance of reacting to thecurrent job market and the overarching vision of the strategy up to 2025 is based on having an“education and training system that will deliver more flexible, innovative andinterdisciplinary skills provision.” (SOLAS, Further Education and Training Professional DevelopmentStrategy 2017-2019, p.11) and at same time allow for more continuous professional developmentand peer support and professional exchange for trainers and teachers.We hope by engaging in mobilities we will develop strategic partnerships and increase opportunitiesfor learning for both students (learners) and staff abroad . It will allow a number of students from thebusiness, architectural technology and sport and fitness level 6 courses and students from level 5programmes (Science and IT) the chance to do their work placement (part of their work experiencemodule) abroad. As a result of involvement in Erasmus+ it is intended that Pearse College willincrease its international focus and through cooperation with other European partners the college willgain innovation. Furthermore, staff and learners will increase their skills and competencies in theirspecific field of expertise. It is also envisaged that Staff mobilities will form part of the VET andcollege’s Continuous Professional Development Plan and that allow for cooperation and sharing ofgood practice and strengthen our curriculum as well as ensure the relevancy of our delivery in linewith industry and business requirements. |
Country | Ireland |
Type | VET Provider |
Type specifics | Sending organization |
Type of mobility project | Learners' mobility |