The dual training paths, implemented in Italy by the FORMA Association, represent an excellent WBL best-practice and a rich catalog of specific experiences. Thanks to them, over the last three years, numerous monitoring and studies have been produced, highlighting the effectiveness of the paths taken and giving rise to some important reflections.
In particular, five crucial factors for the success of a WBL program have been highlighted:
1: A Strong Alliance
The first key aspect concerns the presence of a strong alliance between the VET provider and the company, which leads both parties to make their own specific commitments. On the one hand, the company (represented by the company tutor) agrees to participate in the teaching of the technical-professional skills, in the course planning and in the learning evaluation. On the other hand, the professional training center is committed to introducing greater innovation in its organization.
2: Choosing the Right Companies
A second aspect concerns the way in which companies are identified and selected by the vocational training center. In fact, the companies must have the highest number of production cycles in order to develop technical and professional skills requests from the professional profile; furthermore, it is important to if there are the necessary conditions to build a positive educational and training environment for the inclusion of the apprentice or trainee.
3: Knowledge Exchange
A third factor concerns the capacity of VET providers to create constant opportunities for the exchange of practices and knowledge among their staff, offering both formal training sessions for trainers and occasional opportunities for discussion among them, with the aim of improving teaching strategies and planning.
4: Sharing Tools
A fourth element is represented by the sharing of tools for planning, evaluating and monitoring courses (such as the Individual Training Plan – PFI) with the aim of allowing both trainers and company tutors to verify how much and how the student/apprentice can acquire the skills foreseen by the professional profile.
5: Skill Matching
Equally strategic for the success of the WBL, and this constitutes the fifth strategic aspect, is the preliminary action carried out by the CFP in verifying and evaluating the trainee’s skills in order to effectively take care of the placement in the company, the definition of the training plan, the potential recognition of credits and, last but not least, the verification of learning progress.
Source: Eduwork.net Italian Desk Research Report