The online training “Training for International Staff to Support High-Quality Student Mobility” is based on Erasmus + project and will…
Project result presentation – The Erasmus Without Paper project lead the way in the digitalisation of administrative processes needed to…
Information about the new stage of „Erasmus+“ for the period 2021–2027. Link:
Info about political agreement reached between the European Parliament and EU Member States on the new Erasmus+ Programme (2021‑2027). Link:…
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany gives an overview of the vocational system with its dual nature…
Showing different good practice examples in VET mobilities in the last years in Germany. Link:
Detailed overview of the structure and legislation of the dual system in Germany, the main responsible stakeholders and how they…
Overview on the different schemes within Erasmus+. Link:
Publication with several articles on developments of digital learning and international cooperation in VET. Link:
A range of videos on effective practice work-based learning. Languages: EN Link: