Helene posted an update in the group
Offers for workplacements by Companies 3 years ago
Our association, in partnership with the Institut des Techniques d’Ingénieurs de l’Industrie (ITII-CFAI), a
French Institute promoting engineer research and studies connected with several universities and Grandes
Ecoles, have been awarded a European Grant for an internship project in the framework of Erasmus+
program.The aim of this project is to give French students in Mechanical, Electrical and Electronical Engineering the
opportunity to do a 2 to 3 months internship (at least 61 days, between May and August 2022, in a private or public Company
The students are enrolled in a university degree program in these French institutes : École Polytechnique de
l’Université de Nice (Polytech Nice-Sophia), École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM – Arts et
Métiers ParisTech), Institut Supérieur d’Électronique et du Numérique (ISEN Toulon/Marseille).
Moreover, they already have first-hand experience inside an industry since they are currently enrolled in an
apprenticeship in French Companies. They will have a good level of English language, and will also have the
possibility to profit from an online language course (OLS) for the entire duration of the project.
This phase of the project is dedicated to the research of potential companies that might be interested in
hosting the apprentices, so we are contacting you because we think your Company and its activities would
be in line with the interests of our students.
Transportation, living and accomodation costs related to the internship period will be totally covered by the
Grant and by the students French Company. The interns will also benefit from a private insurance provided
by the ITII.
Eurocircle and ITII will be the intermediaries between the students and the Company, and will facilitate the
exchange of information and give administrative support. The internship contract will be signed by the
student, his French Company and your Company.Your Company will have the responsability for :
– Selecting one or more interns and provide them a mission in line with their professional and
academic profile.
– Informing the students on possible accomodation.
– Signing the contract – We expect it to be signed before the end of April.We would like to underline the most important points :
– The only deadline is that we would like the Convention to be filled and signed by everyone by the
end of April, which also means defining the intern’s missions.
– About the accomodation, the interns will take care of it. They may need help, but maybe just a little
list of websites where they can take a look for finding an apartment, and a few advices on where to
look in the city to find « cheap » and safe accomodations.
– The contract is signed by the intern, you, and the intern’s Company in France.
– The internship period could be from May till August , but it can also be in July and August.
And 61 days is a minimum.