Activities carried out so far by the Eduwork.Net partnership:
- Transnational context study on work-based learning
- Transnational Conference in Rome: “Improving Quality in Work-Based Learning”, as part of the European Vocational Skills Week 2020.
- Ongoing partnership meetings to create a Network of Networks
- 10 articles published on the Eduwork.Net blog
- Online learner survey designed to offer VET providers with information for quality improvement to reflect the needs of learners
- Coordinating action plan to adapt project to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Active social media presence (Linkedin and Facebook), including over 150 dissemination activities, reaching several thousands online users
- Free of charge webinars aimed to assist VET organizations in applying to Erasmus plus funding for mobility projects
- Development of Virtual Networking Space, online platform for VET providers to engage with European mobility projects, launching soon
- Company information pack tool for VET providers to attract more companies in providing work based learning and apprenticeships
- Ongoing exploitation group meetings, working together to establish strong infrastructure for a sustainable future network
Upcoming activities:
- Transnational workshop in Dublin
- Setting up the project support offices
- Transnational networking event in Athens, part of the 2021 European Vocational Skills Week
- Additional webinars